Brussels Office of German Caritas Association
The German Caritas Association’s EU Office in Brussels
- represents the German Caritas Association’s interests with regard to European policy; the office especially works on behalf of disadvantaged people and of social care centres and institutions
- asserts the positions of these groups in the various institutions of the European Union as well as in various networks
- analyses and takes a stance on European social policy
- informs Caritas Germany about the latest developments in Europe
- informs Caritas Germany about the EU’s grants, funds and programmes
- supports and promotes the Europeanisation of Caritas Germany’s work
Picking Up Signals, Facilitating, Advocating and Networking
Caritas’ European work takes place at both the national and European level. When defining a position on a certain area of social care, Caritas must always take the European dimension into account. The German Caritas Association’s EU office in Brussels promotes, supports, and provides advice for the Europeanisation of Caritas’ work in Germany.
Communication Between the Various Levels of Caritas
Together with Bank für Sozialwirtschaft (BfS), the German Caritas Association publishes an internal newsletter on BfS’s information system EUFIS which provides the latest information on social and the EU’s funding policy. In order to promote the exchange between our main office in Freiburg, Germany, and our Brussels branch office, the German Caritas Association holds regular meetings on European issues in Freiburg.
The German Caritas Association forms positions on the measures and proposals put forward by the various institutions of the EU by reaching a unified agreement between our main office in Freiburg and our offices in Berlin and Brussels.
Staff in Brussels regularly exchange information with the EU department heads of the Diocesan Caritas Associations in order to better integrate regional issues and concerns. The Brussels office also provides assistance to groups of visitors staying in Brussels for meetings or conferences.