European Challenges – Fields of Policy
Another important task is playing an active role in the political debates regarding how the competitive internal market in Europe affects the provision of social care services. Other important issues include immigration and asylum, public health, anti-discrimination policies as well as education and youth policies.
Fundamental Social Rights for Europe
The German Caritas Association also closely watches the developments within the EU regarding the following challenges facing social policy:
- Combating poverty and social exclusion
- Meeting the challenge of demographic change
- Continuing to develop sustainable, accessible and economically viable systems of social protection
In our lobby work, Caritas campaigns for the fundamental social rights of all human beings (see The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union for example). Caritas endorses measures that provide disadvantaged people with protection and a new outlook, and we support modifying European regulations to meet the special needs of social care services.
EU Funding Policy
The grant programmes issued by the EU to support the implementation of its policies are very important to the various organisations within the German Caritas Association. The Brussels office of the German Caritas Association provides information and advice to enable a better understanding of each EU grant programme. The staff of our EU office assists with grant applications and information regarding the various programmes. They also arrange meetings with European Commission officers and help to establish contacts with international representatives. Grant applicants may also receive assistance from the EU departments of their home Diocesan Caritas Associations.