Central Specialised Organisations
These organisations have been part of the German Caritas Association since the beginning of the 20th century. Their main function is to do lobby work for the people they counsel, guide and assist in their care facilities.
- Bundesverband Caritas Behindertenhilfe und Psychiatrie – CBP
Federal Caritas Association of Health and Social Care and Mental Health Services for People with Disabilities - Katholischer Krankenhausverband Deutschland – KKVD
Association of Catholic Hospitals in Germany - Verband Katholischer Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder – KTK
Association of Catholic Day Care Centres for Children - Bundesverband Caritas Kinder- und Jugendhilfe – BvkE
Association of Catholic Early Childhood Education Centres and Institutions - Bundesverband Katholischer Vorsorge- und Rehabilitationseinrichtungen für Kinder und Jugendliche
Federal Association of Preventive Health and Rehabilitation Centres for Children and Adolescents - Verband katholischer Altenhilfe in Deutschland – VKAD
Association of Catholic Health and Social Care Services for the Elderly in Germany - Katholischer Arbeitskreis für Familienerholung – KAFE
Catholic Working Group for Family Recreation