Partners in Europe
Our main partner is Caritas Europa (CE), which coordinates 48 Caritas organisations in 44 countries and focuses on issues of social policy. Caritas Europa’s main fields of work are fighting poverty, promoting development, providing humanitarian aid in emergencies and offering assistance to immigrants.
The Brussels office of the German Caritas Association also works together with the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege BAGFW (Germany’s Federal Association of Non-Statutory Welfare). This association coordinates the top six non-governmental welfare organisations in Germany. Their office in Brussels represents the interests of these associations at the EU level. The European Economic and Social Committee of the EU plays an important role for the BAGFW. This advisory committee consists of representatives from associations of employers, trade unions, various interest groups and welfare associations.
The Brussels office also works together with EU representatives from various churches and forms alliances with other Brussels-based organisations around particular issues.