Frequently asked questions
How does Caritas help people in Ukraine and neighboring countries?
Caritas Ukraine distributes food, drinking water, hygiene articles and heating material. In addition, Caritas Ukraine provides medical assistance, with a particular focus on the elderly, the sick, children and young people. Caritas Ukraine also operates field kitchens, emergency shelters and offers psychological support for war-traumatized people.
Caritas also helps in neighboring countries
In Ukraine's neighboring countries, Caritas staff help refugees from Ukraine. Their needs for aid such as tents, food, water and medicines are co-financed by donations to our relief organization Caritas international.
I live in Ukraine/my family lives in Ukraine. Can you help us?
We help with our partner Caritas Ukraine. Caritas Ukraine works closely with local authorities and churches. Please contact Caritas Ukraine. All important information is available on the website of Caritas Ukraine.
We have to flee Ukraine. Can you help us?
No, we cannot help you escape from Ukraine. As a humanitarian aid organization, we support the people in Ukraine who need our help - as best we and our partners can.
Do Ukrainian citizens need a visa to enter Germany?
Ukrainian citizens with a biometric passport do not need a visa for entry. They are allowed to enter all countries of the Schengen area without a visa for three months. This limited stay does not entitle them to work. But all Ukrainian citizens without a biometric passport need a visa. The Federal Ministry of the Interior writes: "Ukrainian citizens with a non-biometric passport basically need a visa for entry [...]. However, a Member State may allow exceptions for entry into its territory for humanitarian reasons."
Where can Ukrainian citizens without biometric passports get a visa?
The German missions abroad in Ukraine are closed. Therefore, it's not possible to obtain a visa for Germany in Ukraine. But visas can be applied for in all German missions abroad in the Ukrainian neighboring countries. Current information on entering Germany can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
I fled from Ukraine to Germany. Who can help me?
If you need a place to stay, you can report to a social welfare (in german: Sozialbehörde) or foreigners registration office (in german: Ausländerbehörde) or to the police. The people there will help you. You will then be placed in a homeless or refugee shelter. You can find the contact details of the foreigners registration office on this online map of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
Counseling and first points of contact
- At larger train stations, there are services offered by the train station mission (in german: Bahnhofsmission) and offices of the federal police (in german: Bundespolizei) that can assist you.
- It's good for you to get advice on residence law - even if you are staying with friends, acquaintances or your family. The counseling will show you your perspectives and possibilities for a short- or long-term stay in Germany. You can find counseling centers on the website of the "Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration".
Are Ukrainian citizens currently being deported from Germany?
No. There is no official deportation stop for Ukrainians who are obliged to leave the country. However, there are currently no commercial flights to Ukraine. Therefore, deportations are de facto not possible at the moment and probably not in the near future.
How can I talk to my children about the war?
You don't have to keep your worries quiet. But it's important that you do not pass on your fear abruptly. Explain the situation in a way that's appropriate for the child. There're also programs for children about the war that can help (for example, Logo from ZDF, WDR, or the famous "Sendung mit der Maus").
Take concerns seriously and talk about them
As a general rule, children like their feelings to be taken seriously. Ask your child what he or she's afraid of, what worries him or her, or whether he or she has questions about the war.
The war in Ukraine is putting a lot of psychological strain on me. Who can help me in Germany?
These tips can help you:
- Routines and normality. You don't have to feel bad about doing something everyday or nice, even though there's a war going on in Ukraine.
- It feels good to help. For example, you can show your solidarity at a demonstration against the war or donate to an aid organization.
- Regulate your own media consumption. Don't watch one bad news after the next on your cell phone. This can overwhelm and unsettle you.
- If you need acute help, contact a counseling center. There are Caritas counseling centers all over Germany - you can find addresses and phone numbers here. The telephone counselling service can also help you. The telephone counselling service (Tel. 0800 - 111 0 111) is available around the clock for anyone who urgently needs someone to talk to.